I enjoy writing and contributing to on line and print articles on HR and management issues to share my perspective and have featured in a number of leading HR publications. The following also includes news items that have referenced myself following a piece of work being done or awards being achieved.

Could HR solve ...? Venom
People Management Magazine Article: District attorney Anne Weying leaves classified documents describing dubious experiments at a bio-engineering corporation open on her laptop at home. Her fiancé, journalist Eddie Brock, reads the documents and leaks them in a live televised report, resulting in Weying losing her job. What more could HR have done to stop this sensitive information falling into the wrong hands?
Pushing for progress: the workplace's role in political and social movements
HR Magazine Article: With workforces becoming increasingly active in political and social movements, Jo Gallacher explores the benefits and potential pitfalls HR should look out for with contributions from Shakil Butt, Tolu Farinto, David D'Souza, Jamie Love, Kris Karsten and Marc Weedon,
Is it because I is Black? Why Ali G's catchphrase is a tragic reality
Personnel Today Article: As organisations make sense of the recent events surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement and how they can do something about racial bias and representation in their own workforce, Shakil Butt explains why an early 2000s TV catchphrase contained an unfortunate grain of truth.
How HR can help Muslims during an unusual Ramadan
HR Magazine Article: Ramadan has always been a communal event, impacting approximately 1.8 billion Muslims globally. This article explores what fasting involves and how employers can support and engage with their Muslim stakeholders during the coronavirus pandemic 23/04/2020
The NHS is doing an amazing job but is it at risk of being white-washed?
HR Magazine Article: Media coverage of our appreciation for our NHS was whitewashed. The tragic loss of BAME doctors and nurses reminds us of the actual ethnic make up of the NHS & our debt to these heroes risking themselves everyday for all of us.

Diversity and inclusion in project teams
Knowledge Train Article; What is Diversity and Inclusion, a quick history, its' importance and some success stories with contributions from Shakil Butt, Garry Turner, Roianne Nedd, and Mostafa Al Hadla
To say we ‘don’t see colour’ is extremely unhelpful
People Management Magazine Article: Often it is claimed that we don't see colour which begs the question - What do you see? We do see colour, age , gender and everything about the person but the bigger question is what we do next with all that information.
The Rise of Skywalker or the Rise of the Robots?
HR Zone Article: Over 40 years to tell a story of ‘A New Hope’ to The Rise of Skywalker’. As we reach this ‘end’ point it poses the question; where to next? Advances in technology are impacting the film industry and the acting profession. Is this really the end or just the beginning? Could the story go on ... forever?
Is The Apprentice racist? Lessons for race at work
HR Magazine Article: Seven BAME candidates fired in seven weeks. Is the BBC Apprentice racist was the question posed by the Guardian newspaper. I share my thoughts I share my thoughts with HR Magazine on whether the show has been firing people from a BAME background or not and the parallels with the world of work.
CIPD annual conference round-up: Day one
HR Magazine article: Highlights from Day 1 of the CIPD Conference including a panel discussion on a range of protected characteristics featuring Shakil Butt (religion), Ian Iceton - Group HR Director, River and Mercantile (Neurodiversity), Megan Horsburgh, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Sodexo UK & Ireland and Global disability leader (Disability), Julie Dennis, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, ACAS (Age) and Nelarine Cornelius, Chartered FCIPD, Vice-President Membership and Professional Development (Race). Chaired by: Claire McCartney, Research Advisor,
Could HR solve...? Spider-Man: Far From Home
People Management Article: Peter Parker, Spider-Man’s alter ego, is enjoying a hard-earned holiday. But SHIELD agent Nick Fury demands he return to work to deal with a mysterious, and potentially serious threat.
Are Fury’s demands reasonable or is his management technique outdated? What advice would HR give? Regular feature in PM Magazine wherein HR are asked to solve a pop culture problem from the big and small screen.
How to use networking to help you get back into a flexible role
ACCA Careers Article: Advice from Shakil Butt: an ex-accountant, multi-award-winning HR executive and writer, Helen Morgan: a financial director from the technology and financial services sector and Zoe Whitman: founder of award-winning bookkeeping start-up, But the Books on the best ways to use networking to help you find the flexible role that's right for you.
How to make the case for flexible working
ACCA Careers Article: Advice from Shakil Butt: an ex-accountant, multi-award-winning HR executive and writer, Helen Morgan: a financial director from the technology and financial services sector and Zoe Whitman: founder of award-winning bookkeeping start-up, But the Books on the best ways to turn a full-time role into a flexible one when negotiating with a prospective employer.
How to tackle your CV after a break
ACCA Careers Article: People take a career break for many reasons. But how do you reflect this in your CV? A panel of accountancy professionals share their top tips with Shakil Butt: an ex-accountant, multi-award-winning HR executive and writer, Helen Morgan: a financial director from the technology and financial services sector and Zoe Whitman: founder of award-winning bookkeeping start-up, But the Books
Interview with Shakil Butt
Recruit Human Article: Interview as part of the HR leaders series conducted by Amy Stephenson answering those burning questions.
1) How did I get into HR and why?
2) What are the challenges I am seeing across the HR sector?
3) What career advice would I offer to someone either working towards a career like mine, or someone just getting started in their HR career?
4) Do I think that more should be done within the school system to open students’ eyes to HR as a career or do I think it’s more valuable for them to gain some work experience and fall into HR because then like you say, they’ve got that context and that understanding?
Taylorism, here, there and everywhere: the sytemisation of our lives
People Space Article: Taylorism, the ideas of scientific management and the pursuit of efficiency proposed by Frederick Winslow Taylor and their impact on all of us are explored through a return flight to the UK serving cold coffee. Indebted or enslaved to the system? When presented with the red pill or blue pill what would be preferable - the beautiful lie or the ugly truth?
Quick fire with award-winning HR director Shakil Butt
People Space Article: What makes a HR hero? Who is my HR hero? How scary was it moving from a big, permanent HR role to setting up my own consultancy last year? What was my favourite book last year? What is my favourite coffee? What can The People Space audience expect from my contributions? Zombies?

How to win a HR Excellence Award 2019
HR Magazine Article: Special supplement edition with advice on how to win a HR Excellence Award from past judges.
Employee Performance Management: The Ultimate Guide
Grosum Article: A comprehensive guide that defines performance management, its' history, how it has evolved, its' purpose, concerns, components, its' importance and process with contributions from a number of HR professionals and leaders of industry.
That HR Podcast episode 8: CIPD Annual Conference special edition
People Management PodCast: Join People Management junior writer Lauren Brown as she catches up with a host of expert speakers from the conference, including: CIPD CEO, Peter Cheese, HR Hero, Shakil Butt, Shell International's leadership assessment lead for HR analytics Sathi Banerjee and Artificial intelligence expert Megan Marie Butler,
One in five staff at Save the Children UK have faced harassment or discrimination
HR Magazine Article: 1 in 5 staff at Save the Children UK have experienced discrimination and harassment. Along with Daniel Peyton I share my thoughts with HR Magazine on the challenges faced and what HR can and should do.
5 Questions on Performance Management
Gro Sum Top Talk Article: Addressing the following 5 questions on performance management.
1) What is currently missing in the way overall employee performance is being managed?
2) Given that a company’s workforce now has a significant proportion of virtual and freelance workers, how should performance management include them?
3) What are employees, managers and decision makers looking to make performance management more effective?
4) What are some of the new things being introduced in Performance Management that are working/not working?
5) If not periodic appraisals, then what & how?
It may be time to ditch hierarchies
HR Magazine article: An analysis of hierarchies, where they originate from, questioning whether they work and the impact on the C suite perpetuating sameness. Is it time to call time on the parent-child relationship in favour of peer to peer relationships in flatter structures?
Time's up on sexual harassment in the workplace
HR Magazine Article: Detailed analysis into sexual harassment and how HR can genuinely end it by being the moral compass and a voice to power with commentary from industry leaders addressing issues such as gender, power dynamics,culture and hierarchies.
MPs: “Collective failure of leadership” in charity sex abuse “endemic”
HR Magazine article: A governmental report has accused the aid sector of “complacency verging on complicity”. Along with Helen Giles and Guy Pink I share my thoughts with HR Magazine on the challenges faced and what HR can do to proactively address this sickness.
Why Black Panther is a lesson in Diversity & Inclusion
People Management Magazine Article exploring how to do diversity and inclusion effectively and profitably through analysis of Marvel's Black Panther movie – not just by having a token character in the supporting cast, but allowing space for difference to rise and take its place as equals among the many.

When Tomorrow Comes
HRD Magazine: Feature article on Corporate Social Responsibility exploring how it has actually been used by corporate organisations and the ethical role HR has to play against Milton Friedman's view that the only corporate responsibility of an organisation is to make profit

The 'Trump' Effect
LinkedIn Blog: Exploring the rise of racism and the 'alt right' in the post Trump world we live in

Can we fix managers?
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People Management magazine: Article highlighting that usually behind every bad employee is an equally bad manager