Session exploring what purpose is particularly in the workplace. Does purpose matter? If so why? Can a person be happy? Successful? Both? Are we the architects of our own footprint? 11/03/2020

Keynote on racism delivered at CIPD Mid & North Wales branch. 12/02/2020

Panel discussion on the Future of Work talking about CIPD; strategic HR; Technology and the pace of change; HR challenges and strategies; Contract changes; Mindfulness and well being; Engagement; Learning and development; Digital inclusion; What's on the horizon and around the corner; Trends; and so much more. 11/02/2020

Delivering a keynote session on D&I at the BAME Apprenticeship Awards 29/01/2020

Delivery of a keynote titled 'Transformational HR: How Human Resources can create value and impact business strategy' 28/11/2019

Delivering a keynote at the Azerbaijan Human Resources Association HR Summit in Baku 15/11/2019

Panel discussion on a range of protected characteristics featuring Shakil Butt (religion), Ian Iceton - Group HR Director, River and Mercantile (Neurodiversity), Megan Horsburgh, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Sodexo UK & Ireland and Global disability leader (Disability), Julie Dennis, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, ACAS (Age) and Nelarine Cornelius, Chartered FCIPD, Vice-President Membership and Professional Development (Race). Chaired by: Claire McCartney, Research Advisor 06/11/2019

Panel on diversity and inclusion at the Asian Apprenticeship Awards 2019 with former and current contestants of BBC's Apprentice and last year's winner of the award. 31/10/2109

Keynote on racism delivered at CIPD South London branch. 16/10/2019
round tables, workshops & awards

HR Zone's Culture Pioneers: Celebrating the heroes of culture change in an uncertain world

Judging the Business Book Awards of the Year. HR and Management Books category.

Judging the Business Culture Awards Category: Small Organisation and Workplace Design

Judging the People Management Awards 2019. Category: Best Apprenticeship Scheme

Part of a select panel invited by Jenny Roper Editor of HR Magazine to decide on 2019 HR's Most Influential, 27/07/2019

Reed HR held a roundtable for senior HR leaders, ‘HR and The Board’ at the Hotel Du Vin in Birmingham. The roundtable was hosted by Glenn G Jones, author of ‘Human Resources Changes the World’, who chaired a discussion on topical issues in HR – value, mindset, strategy, and the barriers to senior leadership facing many HR Directors 07/12/2018

Round table discussion hosted by Jericho Chambers provocation: Do Robots Enhance or Diminish Humanity? 20/09/2018

Judging the Business Culture Awards August 2018

Judging the International Business Awards - Stevie Awards - July 2018