Perry Timms, Founder and Chief Energiser, PTHR
"If I could have a group of students as astute and eager as Shakil was, I'd be a full time lecturer in HR..! From the get go his interest in what I was there to teach was obvious. He lapped it up, challenged, probed and took himself on a very visible journey through new thinking and consolidating existing knowledge.
Outside of this, I got to know Shakil and his work as a "student" like this doesn't come around too often. In his career ventures I saw a proud, professional and committed practitioner who really does care about his craft and his trade. On the numbers, he has a vice-like grip on them. On the morals of a business doing good for others, he's like a superhero. On the fresh perspectives needed to be a progressive practitioners, he's an energiser.
I have every confidence in Shakil being firm, fair and friendly in everything he does. He's a beacon of hope for people who become tired by the difficulties HR and OD Directors often face. He's a diligent and reliable touchstone on making sense in the world of work. He's a bastion of dedication to a belief and a professionalism that others could do well to emulate.
Most of all, he's a warm human being, with a smile at all times and a genuine love of his work. He's a joy to be around and a positive influence on all around him.