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I enjoy writing and contributing to on line and print articles on HR and management issues to share my perspective and have featured in a number of leading HR publications. The following also includes news items that have referenced myself following a piece of work being done or awards being achieved.


Job seekers can now judge prospective employers by D&I rating

HR Magazine Article: Commentary on Glassdoor's new company diversity and inclusion rating on its website which aims to give job seekers a clearer picture of their prospective employer.


Could HR solve ...? Venom

People Management Magazine Article: District attorney Anne Weying leaves classified documents describing dubious experiments at a bio-engineering corporation open on her laptop at home. What more could HR have done to stop this sensitive information falling into the wrong hands?


Company culture: by accident or by design?

HR Zone Article: We in HR need to understand that culture doesn’t just ‘happen’, it’s something we create. We have an opportunity now to recreate organisational culture, making it more inclusive and fit for the future – will we take it?

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What is HR? (And what should it be?)

People Management Article: The areas falling under HR’s remit are often many and varied, But should they be, and how can the profession better attract fresh talent?

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Why is HR so white?

People Management Magazine Article: The HR professional community lacks the diversity it is seeking to address in the workplace so the phrase of ‘physician heal thyself’ comes to mind. Shakil Butt shares his thoughts alongside others. 


Pushing for progress: the workplace's role in political and social movements

HR Magazine Article: With workforces becoming increasingly active in political and social movements,  Jo Gallacher explores the benefits and potential pitfalls HR should look out for with contributions from Shakil Butt, Tolu Farinto, David D'Souza, Jamie Love, Kris Karsten and Marc Weedon,


Is it because I is Black? Why Ali G's catchphrase is a tragic reality

Personnel Today Article: As organisations make sense of the recent events surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement and how they can do something about racial bias and representation in their own workforce, Shakil Butt explains why an early 2000s TV catchphrase contained an unfortunate grain of truth.

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Not all racism is malicious – but it's still devastating

People Management Magazine Article: Exploring how micro aggressions whilst less overt, over time can have a cumulative effect, leading to macro aggressions including even murder.

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BAME workers feel they have to mask identity at work

HR Magazine Article: Commentary on new analysis by culture change organisation Utopia that shows nearly half of BAME workers in the UK said they have to mask part of their identity to fit in at the office.

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Do Better

Accounting and Business Magazine Article: Shakil Butt FCCA shares his personal experience of racism at school and professionally, and urges employers to step up and help create a fairer world

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